12 thoughts on “On board.”

  1. Hi Paul, We have managed to find you at last. I did write it down, but haven’t had time until now to look you and Nyati up. We are in Hungerford at present, with Pauline. Working on her house.
    Please let us have your news. NYATI is looking spectacular!!! As we knew it would. Fond regards from the both of us.

    1. Thank you Guys… It's taken a long time to get done… Just like fitting out a boat. ;-) I remember you telling me that you were going to lend a hand with the house in Hungerford… Enjoy.

  2. Hey, this is the final count down for you my dear friend it’s been a long time coming, I so hope that all your wishes on this massive venture of yours come to a glorious finallality at your journey’s end.
    Please tell me the departure date as I want to come up and wish you well on this epic adventure, plus photograph your departure.

    1. Oh yes, it's been a long haul, but fun too. I'm into the final straight now but not quite at the finish line. All going well, being able to let the house, sell the car & complete a mountain of administrative details, I hope to take off soon after February… 2015.

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