As the Bahrs twins used to declare smilingly from advertising boards all over the country, “Oh Man, Life is great”… So true. Nyati finally drove away from the safety net of Bellevue Rd., home & support base for all these years on Friday 17th April 2015. The mission, to spend time in the great outdoors without any logistical support whatsoever, with the intention of testing all the on-board systems, before returning to “civilisation” to undertake any tweaking that might be necessary. Here, in our magnificent KwaZulu-Natal, one need not travel far to find a wilderness paradise… Less than a half hour’s drive (even at Nyati’s fully loaded pace) is the pristine nature haven of the Shongweni dam… PERFECT. It surely can’t get much better than this… Idyllic setting amongst the trees, perfectly protected from the elements by towering cliffs with kilometres of calm, clean water. The wildlife, zebra, impala, guinea fowl, Egyptian Geese & of course… Those bloody vervets, just kept coming… What a way to start !!! I always intended to keep my glass full, but this is perhaps over filling it. 😀 Nyati performed brilliantly. Barring a few minor glitches such as the water pressure pump running on because it had sucked air into the system… Nothing to worry about. Oh Man, Life IS great !!!
Monthly Archives: April 2015
New age Friday.
Mmmmm, what a great life… Instead of running around making up wage packets every Friday, I can now have an afternoon kip. 😉
So here they are… Operator card & licence disc. 😀 Nyati’s now 100% legal, licensed, insured & ready to roll. Just a few personal details to iron out… This’s getting exciting now. 😀