All I can say is, "Thank God I've seen these views before."
That's definitely NOT "Dissing" them in any way, shape or form… But anyone seeing this for the first time would be in danger of driving straight into it.
Breathtaking, breathtaking, breathtaking.
They've built viewing sites at regular intervals along the perfectly maintained road, & Nyati needed to use every second or third one simply to calm down.
It took the best part of the day to cover less than 50km.
Crystal clear waters lapping up against the base of mountains…
Roads carved into the cliffside…
Very cool, reminiscent of the Amalfi drive in Italy…
Here though, there were no houses cantilevered out over the ocean, & MOST drivers keep left.
How can one country be so blatantly blessed with such awe inspiring natural beauty…?
Such diversification too…
Mountains, the Kalahari, Karoo, Indian & Atlantic oceans, prolific wildlife.
Man, it's ALL here.
Nyati's been on the road now for about three months & I've yet to feel anything but… WOW. (Except for Kimberley)
I know I'm out here to see it.
Experience it.
All my senses are open to it.
The thing is…I'm a little mystified as to how I was so insensitive to all this before…
Actually, that's a bit harsh…Less distractions, more time now, more likely.
There's a slight breathlessness pervading my senses…
A hint of light headedness…
Euphoric, I think.
The BP's holding at around 110 /75 so it's not that.
Good thing I don't have to keep up a macho demeanour, Nyati does it for me.
Then it surely must be that life is just SO bloody wonderful.
Years ago we'd sailed Enigma onto a safe anchorage inside the deserted Chagos archipelago, in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
One morning I swam ashore alone, to walk around Takamaka island.
This same, slightly detached feeling came over me then too.
Gentle surf broke over coral on the seaward side, brilliant sunshine exaggerated the colours, & coconut palms crowded together, to leeward.
I slapped myself, hard, reinforcing the memory, & danced a kind of hornpipe jig thing, like the old sailors did.
Embarrassed, in case someone could see me, I stopped & looked around…
"HA… I'm the only person on this entire island".
So I did it again ! !
We rolled into Gordon's bay, brake drums sizzling, head swivelling, eyes on stalks.
Mmmmm… A young Camps bay.
It's all in holiday mode here.
Sun shining brightly.
Open jeeps, bicycles, dogs on leads…(Mostly at one end only.)
Itsy bitsy bikinis… Oops, speedos too.
Open air, pavement bistros.
Yachts filling the marina.
Palm trees.
"Ah ha… This looks like ANOTHER paradise found".
Oh hell… Sorry Ceres… Down you go… One more notch.
Nyati parked under a very wind sculpted tree, right up against the pallisaid security fence separating the Gordon's bay beach resort from the beach itself.
"Right, lets see what's what around here".
It's quite a hike from the high security, guarded gate, at the other end of the resort, the office end, to the actual beach front action.
She was obviously scanning…
Weren't we all ?
Locked on now though.
So it appeared quite natural that we both, coincidentally, headed for the same table, almost bumping… Nice touch.
"Oh Dahling, are you alone too ?"
She was taking very deep breaths…
Speaking from way down in her chest…
I wanted to see just how far down.
"I wonder if she takes a credit card ?"
"Are you visiting ? Me too… Sniff.
English ? German ?
Shall we have a sundowner ?… Sniff.
Let's get a menu Dahling"…Calling for the waiter by name… Sniffing again & again.
"Colombian flu", I thought… "Nice tits".
What a switched on guy… Obviously not on HER Christmas list though…
Said his name was Jerico.
Jerico from Zimbabwe.
I looked directly into Jericos eyes for a little too long before asking, "Anything good on THIS menu ?"
Almost with a wink, wink, nod, nod…
You know, Monty Python style.
I nearly fell over when he nodded in her direction, & said, "No, it's all bad"…
Abruptly, wiping at her nose, she sniffed, said loudly, " Fuck you Dahling", & left… Scanning, sniffing.
I moved to another table.
Well, Jerico was right about the tourist based, pizza… Nothing good about it.
Very expensive cheap wine too…
Big glasses though… Very effective.
It must have been the howling wind because the bike nearly got me…
The prowling jeep too… Saved myself with a wobbly lurch back onto the pavement…
Oh shit… My late Mum used to describe some people, especially accountants, as, "Soft as shit, & twice as nasty".
This was the real McCoy… Very nasty…
A toy pom, dasksie something like that.
"Jesus, Man, they're pushing the bloody thing on a rope for Christ sake"…
I decided to skip the long walk back to the security guys.
So I zigzaged down to the beach & stepped over the fence into the resort, where the wind had built up a sand dune over the spikes.
They'll never get past the gates…
Why would they try ?
All the way along the sand blasted beach, there were zombies walking just like me, they must have thought I was one of them, or, like me, they were concentrating on stepping between the dog turds & jellyfish covering the high tide mark.
Eish… Paradise after dark.

Amazing, BUT keep an eye on that blood pressure my pal, its a bit on the low side, which would account for the light headed When its on the high side you will feel a mild headache………
Healthy Range
According to, the ideal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg and lower. Yet, the average blood pressure raises as people age. For instance, the average blood pressure for people aged 60 to 64 years old is 134/87 mmHg.
Thanks for your concern Man.
It's ticking over like a lightly oiled Swiss watch. 😉
Hi Paul
We did that trip when Nicola was still at school and stayed at a timeshare in Gordons Bay (Strand Pavilion) and travelled the other way to Hermanus. On the way stopped at a wine farm and bought some chardinay savingon 1993. Still got a bottle. What a beautiful part of SA. Hope you made it to Pringle’s Bay, no relation by the way. Go well my friend and enjoy.
It IS stunning isn't it ?
I'm passing the wine farms this time round…
Nyati's tricky enough to handle around these crowded, narrow little roads as it is.
I'm glad you're reading this Man.
Please give a kiss to Emily, & a gentle clup around the ears of those three boys from me…
Tell them it's for the next time they're naughty. 😉
Never change! Your choice of words to describe an event/scenery are priceless! Just love your ‘Farside humour’ – certainly is wonderful to read. Look forward to the next journal blog!!!
Thank you Sharron,
I so enjoyed our dinner with JP, & of course your gifts of "protection" for Nyati.
Hey, sounds so good to hear that you bumped into JP and Sharon (Wilson) I presume, must have been great to finally see a familiar face from “home”.
I’ve read every blogg and eagerly await the next, constantly logging in for the next chapter, …………….. BUT refuse to admit that I am kak gealous lol… safe my dear friend.
Yes, it WAS nice to be able to reminisce over past happenings.
There's no "history" with anyone else I meet.
Nyati's in Lambert's bay today.
I THINK there's a new post up now.