From Keimoes, (Sorry, badly misspelt in the previous blog) Nyati headed towards Kenhardt along the R27.
I just couldn't imagine what it's like here, in Kenhardt, during the Winter, especially when the wind's blowing.
There's sand.
Sand roads, sand pavements & sand gardens.
The houses are simple, neat, unpretentious, standing with their feet together. Complete & painted, facia & barge boards picked out in, mostly, green or blue, shutters matching.
I've seen so many paintings & sketches of scenes like this. I never understood why anyone would bother with such a mundane, utility, subject…
Ah, but I do now.
In reality, it's spectacular in its simplicity.
We stopped behind "De Oude Herberg Country Lodge". I reversed Nyati into the shade of one of the few thorn trees in Kenhardt to get relief from the afternoon sun…
Linda, who runs the place, said in Summer, it's often 52c in the shade here, & at least 10c hotter out in the open…
Why why why ?
From the moment I heard about the SKA… Square Kilometre Array, I've been fascinated by the concept.
So it's no coincidence that Nyati's route would include a visit to Carnarvon, the home of "Meerkat", "SKA", call it what you will.
The project's running, it's under construction. What a pity there's no information centre for those interested.
I visited the "support base" just out of town, & spoke to a most enthusiastic secretarial type, who apologetically told me there was absolutely nothing available for the public to view, here, or anywhere.
Most disappointing. I hope their scientific capabilities are better than their public relations are.
Ah hell… I'm still very enthusiastic about this project though… It's a monumental international undertaking, & we're doing it, now.
Along the road to Carnarvon, & further, towards Loxton, the idea that I could be driving through a gigantic art gallery took root in my head & grew on me.
Right & left, there were vistas stretching to infinity. The Karoo in all its stark beauty, outcrops of rock, ancient mountains & canyons, miles & miles & miles of unaffected nature…
My mind kept slapping a picture frame around them… Perfection, not a man-made structure in sight.
Here too, the scrub was flowering.
Not the flashy Namaqualand daisy thing, but brighter than the Kalahari.
A competition of yellow, blue, white, red & purple.
Water too, in the streams & vleis.
Of course, beauty's all in the eye of the beholder… My eyes were watering.
Why hadn't I been here & seen all this before ?
Nyati drove on, down the Molteno pass & into Beaufort West.
Hi Paul,
What a disappointment it must been, travel all that way to visit “MeerKAT” and then there is no information. Should rather go to the KHI Solar One plant between Upington and Kiemoes and see this project. It is the first in Africa. Still under construction due to take off shortly.
Don’t get lost in Beaufort West
Ah, it's all part of the journey, guys.
Once, soon after leaving Kloof, I thought I'd got lost, taken the wrong road.
Then I remembered…there isn't one. B-)
When are you travelling again ?
Unfortunately this year is just about done, will be traveling to the Eastern cape for a week.
Next year we are planning Namibia again but this time through Bots, Caprivi into Namibia and do the top part in 4 weeks again. We did it some years ago and it was great.
Good to hear that.
Depending on when you're there, we could meet.
Do let me know your itinerary when you finalise it.