Inevitable & foreseeable…
South Africa went on holiday last week, resulting in a mass migration of people & vehicles spilling over the borders in every direction.
Like lemmings… migrating wildebeest.
There's not a B&B, hotel, flop house, camp or caravan site that's not booked, in many instances, overbooked, anywhere of interest, anywhere South of the Sahara.
I've been fascinated at the amazing variety of equipment flooding into Shark Island this weekend.
Much of it obviously hired, so there's a lot of buggering about trying to figure out the intricacies of erecting roof-top tents, awnings & stuff like that for the first time. Of course, the howling wind adds an interesting element of difficulty to proceedings too.
Everywhere there's the sound of flapping canvas, mattresses being inflated, pegs being hammered into the rock, cursing, swearing, laughing & shouting.
Braais all day…Braais all night…
It's nice to have people around for a while. They're all in transit, I know, but it's great watching their antics.
They arrive late into the night too…
Headtorches everywhere, it makes the place look like a star wars film set…
Kids running wild…
It's terrific Man.
Nyati just stands here, like a holiday home amongst the chaos, all systems ticking over perfectly, providing complete protection from these aggressive elements.
Keeping me, perhaps even more comfortable, than some of these people are at home.
There's a a turkey in the freezer…
Pudding in the cupboard…
Champagne in the fridge…
Christmas will be spent at home this year…
Comfortable & safe… On board Nyati.
From Nyati, we wish EVERYONE a Merry Christmas & a Happy, Healthy & Safe New Year.

Paul, here’s wishing The Gypsy and Nyati a Bless Christmas and a safe journey and much adventure next year.
Thank you Lekker Ding…
Paul says Happy everything too.
YAY! Father Christmas is where he belongs – on your roof…… We hope your turkey et al was a success and that Christmas Day was fun. Beeg hugs!!
Thanks Sharron,
yup, traditionally Santa goes up for the duration of the holidays.
The gobbler was very lekker… Didn't last long… Roasted potatoes in the same pot & washed the whole lot down with champagne… Decadent Girl, decadent.
Just catching up with your blog…this Christmas was great fun, but of course you were missed. Lovely to see you had a good spot and enjoyed a roast turkey! You were just missing some of my homemade cranberry sauce 😉 xxx
Oh yes, it was…
Of course, I would have had to share it with Cindy. 😉 :-*
HAPPY NEW YEAR! May your highways be smooth and your spirits ‘high’ and free