It's not REALLY OLD, this Luderitz, not old in the European context, but built to withstand 4 seasons every day.
Built right onto solid rock.
Buildings drawing a line in the desert sand, turning their backs on the daily gale blowing off the cold Ocean.
They built with style, those old Germans. Obviously knew precisely what they were doing too, because the legacy they left is standing up to this very aggressive environment superbly.
Oh sure, there's maintenance required everywhere you look, but this IS Africa.
Luderitz's not a tourist trap, it's a working town, harbour & community.
There's a waterfront with a few curio type shops, a restaurant too, but not much else seriously touristy.
The thing is the town's small.
Easily walked in an hour, & it's real, authentic, that's the attraction here.
Cruise liners visit often.
Big ones anchor off shore & ferry passengers too & fro, smaller ones come in to dock…
Short visits, but there's plenty to see.
Everyday the wind starts at about 10 in the morning, blowing off the Atlantic, out of the South, increasing to gale force by sunset.
I never notice when it stops, because, I get gently rocked to sleep every night.
Nyati's parked facing East, door & gas exhaust to leeward. So the wind cools & rocks the cradle continuously…
It's a little like sailing… I love it.

Love this pic of the street and architecture man
Luderitz looks like a mini Bavaria set in the desert! Cute, but weird, but then a lot of Namibia is like that.
The rocking reminds of our time at La Digue, with Enigma being ‘rocked’ by the sea, it was kinda soothing if you let yourself go with the flow.
Looking forward to catching up in Windhoek. XX