
Home’s calling

Barbara had proven to be an excellent choice of name…
Cleverest bitch I ever knew…
Named after "sailing Barbara" who knew everything… could tell you anything.
Gods parents names… Anything.
She's never been proven wrong either.

They say, "Give a dog a name & it'll live up to it".

If I'm able to get another puppy I'll have to come up with something bloody good to match Barbara.

No puppy would last a day here though, deep in the Okavango delta… Crocs, hyaena…

But oh, I DO miss a dog.

Thoughts of going on to Zambia alone, or returning to Kloof with all the comforts of civilisation… And a new puppy.

It's been a long, lonely year…
But oh wow… what a ride Nyati's given.

What a truck.
What an experience… Epic.

What does Zambia have to offer that's different from Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya ?
I've travelled through them all before.
There's no difference…
Apart from all the different permits to be bought… Different currency &, of course, the "officials".
It's the same shambles everywhere.
When I look around me here, I could be anywhere…  Kwamashu, Gweta, Mombasa or Maputo… It's Africa.

Shambolic seems to be the African way.

It makes me think of that old story about the guy who returned to the former colony he'd spent so many years working in.
He commented to a local that he found everything to be in such a bloody mess now.
To which the local proudly replied, "Yes it IS in a bloody mess, but it's OUR bloody mess".


When Nyati left the Republic, we were leaving the best of Africa.

You want Animals, Mountains, Desert, Forests, Jungles, Rivers, Hot or cold, Big or small, Thousands of miles of coastline with warm or cold oceans, High-tech   ?

South Africa's got it… & MORE.

Thank God Nyati's exploration started in SA…
We found a delicious surprise around almost every corner…

Home's calling… It's time.


2 thoughts on “Home’s calling”

  1. Hi,
    Good to hear you have had a great time with Helen. Africa is something very special just a pity that it is in such a mess with no light at the end of the tunnel. You have obviously made some good friends on this adventure and the memories are yours forever.
    Keep up the blog, makes good reading and brings memories.
    Travel well, cheers

    1. Thank you Guys,
      Yesss this's been a terrific, very fulfilling, even spiritual, experience.
      I've decided that I'll tell anyone interested in seeing wildlife, to come to SA…
      It's ALL here & more accessible than anywhere else in Africa…
      Honestly, I've seen nowhere to compare to the natural beauty, freedom of movement & variety… every animal in the book, than right here at home…RSA.
      Gorillas, perhaps… Maybe find them in the townships though… Or Parliament.
      Stay safe.

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