After the excessive physical & mental exertions of yesterday, the inner organism took longer than normal to register that a wonderful West Coast day had dawned…
That we were back in the safety of Brand bay…
That the reality we had put so much effort into imagining, visualising, believing in, & working towards, had, of course prevailed, &, all in less than a full day.
Whether you BELIEVE you can…
Or BELIEVE you can't…
You're usually right.
Albertus & his wife Hernein were camping together with James & Mimmie.
This was James's stomping ground since birth & he seemed to have a story for every occasion.
Said he was a lawyer, ex. SADF, most entertaining to chat… Ah, well, to listen to, actually.
A radical left wing, right wing, anti establishment, anti everything, bantam cock…
The spitting image of a short Eugene Terriblanch.
I would have called him Eugene, but didn't know if he fell off horses…
He preferred his chosen name of "jihad James" anyway
We had a great few days bullshiting each other & eating amazing evening meals…
Pot roast duck one night & lamb shanks the next…
Jihad claimed to have cooked both, but I watched the girls doing it over the fire.
Another Babes Van der Walt type, but much quicker…
Another great, entertaining character…
He & Albertus, two good guys, opposites in almost every way, sharing a passion for this West Coast.
I LOVE meeting & spending time with people like this.
It can only be described as a privilege.
SO good for a debilitated soul.
A GREAT happy ending to the bullshite day being stuck in nowhere land
Yup… It was a difficult time Man, but a sharp learning curve.
Wow…… Paul you sure do get yourself into some difficult situations!! This is what makes your blog interesting to read, hope you don’t get yourself bogged down in Etosha, that would be a life threatening situation.
Take care, drive with caution!
Dave is has been trying to send you messages but seems to have a problem.
Go well!!
Well Reg, I came out here to take the "Full tour"… There's no point in going half way.
I'm not very concerned about Etosha, but the deep sand in Botswana's a bit of a worry. Just as well I'm getting practice now. ;-)))
Nyati drove across some quite tricky sand in the Richtersveld. In low range this time, & managed well.
I'm glad you guys are all still reading this, I know you've visited many of these places too. I hope you'll recognise them from my descriptions.
Best to Vivi.