

Here’s the “new look”, pimped up Nyati. Carrying the STS logo, Nyati’s own logo, Nyati’s blog address & a pic of a couple of happy, healthy rhino (as we want to see them all) Hopefully this will raise awareness of STS, & generate much needed cash donations to this great cause. www.rv-nyati.com


2 thoughts on “Signage”

  1. Paul, it was most informative meeting you last week when you brought our attention to the severity of the state of the poached Rhinos in Africa and that they are near extinction. Patrick and I would like to assist towards this cause. Kindly advise as to your banking details, so that we may assist. We wish you a safe journey into Africa and know that you WILL raise awareness to Saving the Survivors. Kindest Pat and Sal

    1. Thank you both for your interest & concern.
      I'm THRILLED that you want to make a donation to this most worthy cause.
      I don't accept any donations into my personal account whatsoever, but there's a link on Nyati's blog that will take you directly to "Saving the Survivors" website, & they will be most grateful for your help.
      Bless you for looking after our wildlife.

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